0774/635474 - 659728

The present website does not commit LEGGI S.r.l. to keep the listed material in the warehouse.

Weights and measures are indicative. For further detailed information please refer to the products technical data sheets, product reference to be the code up right the TDS, its product code and/or its description.    

Orders must be issued by letter, e-mail or fax. LEGGI S.r.l. may accept verbal or phone orders as well, subject to the Sales Director approval. Orders are considered to be confirmed only when the sales confirmation is sent to the customer. In alternative, when the goods delivery note and invoice are issued.

The order issued by the Customer implies the full acceptance of the present sales terms and conditions. Therefore, any further  special condition or clause indicated in the Customer’s order, being in complete contradiction with the present sales terms and condition, will be voided.

Supplied products are packed after a first selection, therefore a 3% waste is possible and acceptable.

LEGGI S.r.l. in any case does not accept the good return once it is delivered to the Customer or their delegate. In case of purchaser’s rejection or their delegate and if legitimate, LEGGI S.r.l. may replace the goods taking charge of delivery expenses. However, further pretension from Customer’s side will not be accepted. Complaints from the Customer or their delegate 48 h after deliver are not accepted.

LEGGI S.r.l. is not responsible for the wrong installation of goods. Same applies for products alteration, damage or worn which may be caused by natural reasons, wrong installation, maintenance or conservation methods not directly attributable to the raw materials used during the production process.

Delivery terms are indicative, therefore LEGGI S.r.l. cannot be considered responsible for eventual delivery delays. LEGGI S.r.l. is not responsible for missed delivery, irregularities or delays caused by road circulation suspension or cancellation, and in any case caused by transport services.

LEGGI S.r.l. has the right of modifying their products in terms of production process, weighting and measures for technical or constructive reasons without notice obligation.

For any legal dispute or contract withdrawal, the competent Court is the Tribunal of Tivoli (ROME, Italy).